Such a special day for all three of us :)
We started off with the big Commencement ceremony where everyone just gathered in the Huntsman Center and we heard from the man who founded Pixar (I feel terrible I don't remember his name) and a few other speakers. A whole bunch of our family came out to support us and my Grandma Fletcher said she actually grew up and went to high school with the man from Pixar! She got to see him afterwards and he still remembered her.
This is with My mom, Sisters, Dad, his girlfriend Connie, Mitchell, Grandma Fletcher, Aunt Kelly, Grandma and Grandpa Taylor and also Steve's Dad, Mom and Reed were here, we just didn't get any pictures with them at this point.
Right after the big Commencement ceremony was my Convocation. I graduated from the college of Behavioral Science with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies. Luckily my major was called up first because the college of Behavioral Science is one of the biggest colleges that graduated that day! Everyone else was glad too because we were starving and didn't want to wait through another 2 hour ceremony! My mom caught me on the jumbo tron looking so photo ready... haha Afterwards I gave my little red sash called the Stole of Gratitude to my Grandma Taylor because it is meant to be given to the person who helped you through college. She has been the one who paid for every dime of my college education! Without her I probably wouldn't have been able to finish! I owe her so much for her generosity and willingness to put me through school. This was actually a pretty special time because she NEVER smiles for the camera so I was glad I got a picture with her. :)
We got a break in between my ceremony and Steve's ceremony so we went to lunch and Training Table. (We figured that would be the least busy place in town, which it was!) Then we got to go back and watch Steve graduate from the David Eccles School of business with a Marketing degree. He was sitting in the very back and was one of the last names to be called! But that was ok because my mom got some great shots of him down on the floor! Here is some good pictures with Steve and his dad and then all three of them with Reed, his Mom, him and his Dad.
We were so happy to graduate on the same day. It was a bittersweet moment because we knew our time at the U was finally over, but now we look forward to graduate school and baby Jack on his way :)